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- Nov. 16, 2017
Nov. 16, 2017

Senior faculty earn national awards; UMMC residents capture spotlight; Alpha Eta inducts SHRP faculty, students

Allergy, immunology chair captures Cane Award from ACAAI
Dr. Gailen Marshall, professor of medicine and R. Faser Triplett Chair of Allergy and Immunology, has received the Gold Headed Cane Award from the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.
Marshall has been a Fellow of the ACAAI since 1993 and has served as editor-in-chief of the college’s academic journal since 2006. A physician-scientist, Marshall is medical director of UMMC’s Clinical Research Support Program and Clinical Research and Trials Units.
The ACAAI presents the award annually to a Fellow who has demonstrated the highest standards of scientific excellence and integrity. Marshall received the award at the ACAAI Annual Meeting Oct. 28 in Seattle.

Physiology prof earns APS mentor, scientist award
Dr. Merry Lindsey, professor of physiology and biophysics, has received the 2018 Bodil M. Schmidt-Nielsen Distinguished Mentor and Scientist Award from the American Physiological Society.
Selected by the Women in Physiology Committee, the annual award honors an APS member who has demonstrated excellence in training junior scientists and in their own research.
On faculty since 2013, Lindsey has mentored dozens of students, fellows and junior faculty at the Medical Center. Her research expertise includes cardiac remodeling after heart attack and matrix metalloproteinase biology.
As part of the award, Lindsey will receive an honorarium and present her philosophy of mentoring at the 2018 Experimental Biology Conference.
Alpha Eta Honor Society inducts SHRP students, faculty

During a Nov. 10 ceremony in the School of Health Related Professions, 40 SHRP faculty and students were inducted into the Alpha Eta Society at the University of Mississippi Medical Center.
Alpha Eta promotes scholarship and fellowship with other allied health professionals and recognized high achievements in and significant contributions to the allied health professions. Its motto is “Together We Serve.”
Dr. Brian Rutledge, UMMC chief of staff, presented the induction address and congratulated the recipients on their honor. 2017 Alpha Eta officers Dr. Angela Morey, president; Dr. Mike Ketchum, president-elect; and Dr. Jana Bagwell, secretary/treasurer, presided at the ceremony.
Asher Street received the 2017 Lee Holder Award for Excellence in Graduate Health Education and Cassie Brading received the 2017 Sidney Rodenberg Memorial Scholastic Award. The 2018 Alpha Eta officers also were introduced: Ketchum, president; Dr. Sherry West, president-elect; Dr. Linda Croff-Poole, nominations chairperson; and Bagwell, secretary/treasurer.
Faculty inducted into Alpha Eta included Cynthia Senior, dental hygiene; Megan Ladner, occupational therapy; Sherry Colson, physical therapy; and Seena “Shazowee” Edgerton, radiologic sciences.
Students inducted into Alpha Eta included Monica Carden, Brittany Chaisson and Rachel Griffin, dental hygiene; Jason Wells Coleman and Vickie Lorensen Skinner, health administration; Ashley Danielle Newell, health informatics and information management-bachelor; Megan Hurley Altsman, health informatics and information management-master; Christopher Allen Lagamba, health sciences-bachelor; Chasity Bounds, health sciences-master; Ikia Cheyenne Celestine and Layna Michelle Phillips, magnetic resonance imaging; Victoria Henry and Reina Jones, medical laboratory science; Leslie Anne Aker and Antonio Montray Clayton, nuclear medicine technology; Audrey Hartmen, Taylor Ann Hasty, Maggie Iupe, Hannah Martin, Ferris McGuire, Morgan Rose, Miranda McCormick Wade and Candace Page-White, occupational therapy; Kyle Avery Blount, Kurt David Cooksey, Caleb Jesse Creel, Mary Vandevender Haynes, Odie Johnson III, Cody Haynes Lancaster, Mary Cosby Parker, Lauren Marie Seal and John Garrett Wallace, physical therapy; and Micah Jone Harthcock, Anna Velvateen Holden, Shari Sabrina Russell and Brittany Nicole Walters, radiologic sciences.

Residents Council shines ‘spotlight’ on award recipients
The Chief Residents Council has named Dr. Maureen Offiah, house officer in dermatology, Dr. Ben Carroll, house officer in neurosurgery, and Dr. Richard Calderone, house officer in medicine/pediatrics, as recipients of its resident "Spotlight Award" for the first quarter of the 2017-18 academic year.
The quarterly award recognizes residents who display leadership, dedication to service, commitment to patient-centered care and commitment to the enrichment of themselves and others through education, teaching and scholarship.
Nominations for the second quarter will be accepted in December. To nominate a resident for the award, visit https://goo.gl/forms/I4fvLQpisw1kK0Em2.